
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Album review: Yes Sir by Slim Dime and the Prairie Kings

There is something inherently appealing about Slim Dime and the Prairie Kings, and that appeal starts with Slim’s voice: it’s sassy, it’s rich and rolling, and it makes you want to sit up and pay attention. And once you’re paying attention, you may as well get up and dance, because that’s what the Prairie Kings’ music makes you want to do.

Yes Sir is an album of covers and originals, in which Slim and the band both take on songs from and create songs that evoke the pre-rockabilly era of western swing and rock ’n’ roll. They are perfectly suited to this, drawing out not only the beats and – yes, let’s say it –the swing of these tracks but also the darkness in some of the lyrics. Slim’s voice is an adaptable instrument, and she can bring light and dark into it, as the song requires.

The most recognisable song on the album, for most people, will be ‘Cold, Cold Heart’ by Hank Williams, Snr, but the other tracks are just as worthy of attention because they are a toe-tappin’ good time. It’s hard to escape the conclusion that Slim Dime and the Prairie Kings would be a really great party band – they know how to handle a beat and respect a song, and they have an increasingly large repertoire to draw on. Luckily all of that is apparent on their recordings, too, so hiring them for a party isn’t necessary. But they hail from Melbourne, in case anyone is wondering …

Yes Sir is available from CD Baby.

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